On April 11, 1965, the Greater New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church was founded under the leadership of Pastor Omie Lee Holliday. During this phase of ministry the church possessed a thriving music ministry, evangelism ministry, and day care center. Pastor Holliday was a dynamic leader and teacher. He could motivate as well as delegate. The membership grew as the Word of God was preached.
In 1970, Pastor Holliday resigned and, after a period of consecration and prayer, Rev. Aaron McCardell Jr. was called as Pastor. He served for approximately fourteen months. It was during this time the church’s name was changed from Greater New Pleasant Grove Baptist Church to Abyssinia Baptist Church. Upon his resignation, Rev. J. P. Anderson was called. Under his leadership we entered into a purchase agreement in October 1971 for the location at 6302 Tidwell Road. Once again our name was changed, this time to SOLID ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH.
Upon the resignation of Rev. J.P. Anderson in May 1972, the church immediately met and called Rev. Leonard E. Driver. He assumed the pulpit the 2nd Sunday in June 1972. When he arrived, he found twenty-two members remaining, nevertheless, under his leadership the congregation grew to over four hundred members. Pastor Driver had a powerful preaching ministry and was gifted in the area of music. He was the kind of leader this church needed during this phase of ministry. He had the ability to tell it like it was without compromising and biting his tongue.
On March 9, 1985, the church was in mourning due to the home-going of Pastor Leonard E. Driver. He was truly a man of God and was aware of the approaching end of his Christian journey. Before his death he wrote a letter to the congregation which served as a blueprint for calling the next pastor. Out of obedience to his great leadership, the church followed his instructions. Unaware of what the Lord was doing in Houston, Texas, a young minister in Dallas was also preparing for a transition in ministry. He penned a list of requirements to evaluate any prospective Church seeking to call him as pastor. The key requirement was a unanimous call from the entire congregation. Pastor Driver’s memo had included this instruction that the church extend a unanimous call to the potential Pastor.
In November 1985, the church extended the call to Rev. Ross M. Cullins, Sr. to be their Pastor. On February 2, 1986, Rev. Cullins assumed the position of Senior Pastor of the SOLID ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH. The passing of the baton was carried out very smoothly. The Lord worked it out so, that Pastor Cullins’ first series of messages were Pastor Driver’s last series of messages, both were from the book of I Corinthians.
The first seven years under Pastor Cullins leadership were considered the “Transitional Phase”. It was like a new marriage. We had a lot to learn about him and he had a lot to learn about us. Since our union, our church family has been strengthened spiritually and we have witnessed tremendous growth in our male leadership of this congregation. Even during some of the most difficult times, we have experienced and acknowledged the blessings of the Lord.
Under the leadership of Dr. Ross M. Cullins we have experienced some major accomplishments. The ministry of the Solid Rock Baptist Church is progressive. We have a two-fold emphasis: Evangelism and Discipleship. Nothing is implemented unless it falls into one or both of these categories. The staffing concept has taken hold of our ministry and is growing according to the Lord’s directions. Every year we encounter many challenges to our ministry and every year we have successfully met those challenges.
To us Solid Rock is more than just a name. It reminds us of the source of our very being….
“On Christ the Solid Rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand”
(Matthew 16:15-18)