We Believe… The Bible (both Old and New Testaments, totaling 66 books) is complete, divinely inspired by God and error-free in the original autographs and given to man as the supreme authority and foundation in all matters of faith and conduct.


We Believe… God exists, and that He exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


We Believe… God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. He is God of perfect love and is holy, righteous, and just.


We Believe… Jesus Christ is God’s Son; God manifested in the flesh. And that He is God’s only provision for our eternal salvation.


We Believe… In Jesus’ virgin birth, his sinless life, his divine miracles, his atoning death, his resurrection and ascension, and his return in power and glory.


We Believe… The Holy Spirit indwells every believer and enables us to live a holy life, to witness and work for the Lord Jesus Christ.


We Believe… Evangelism and Discipleship are the main tasks of the Church.


We Believe… Baptism and the remembrance of the Last Supper are the two ordinances that every believer should observe in obedience to the commands of our Lord.


We Believe… That every believer should be a supporting member of a local church and that with membership comes certain rights, privileges, and responsibilities.


We Believe… In the resurrection and judgment of all mankind, saved and lost; the saved unto eternal life and the lost unto eternal damnation.